Thursday, April 22, 2010

It All Adds Up

Ah, Thursday night.  That means two things:  pizza and math class.  As far as the latter goes, I'm now a little more than halfway complete and I have to say that for the first time EVAR I am actually enjoying math.  Anyone who has known me for awhile could tell you that I have always hated math.  I'd use it where I absolutely had to since it cannot be escaped, but beyond that I wanted nothing to do with it.  For some reason though this class has allowed me to actually enjoy it.  I think that a big part of it has to do with the fact that I'm taking this for something I want to accomplish (finishing my associates) as opposed to being forced to do it when I was a kid.  Another factor is probably my crazy Bulgarian math professor and the way she is not only able to break it down so I can understand it, but that she can do so while injecting humor and keep things lighthearted in the classroom.  Whatever the reason, I'm glad that I can actually enjoy this and enjoy school period.  It's given me the drive to not only finish what I need to for my associates, but to also start working towards my bachelors.  The journey has definitely begun.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Current song playing:  "Baker St. Muse" by Jethro Tull

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