Friday, September 3, 2010

May They All Come Home Soon

It has been some time since my last post. Guess I haven't had much to say lately. I definitely do now though.

Because of almost 10 years of bloody conflict and lives lost in Afghanistan, we tend forget after awhile that America's sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers and friends are still being constantly put in harms way. After constantly seeing the list swell with casualty after casualty, I too had become desensitized to what has continued to go on. This week I was given a very real reminder.

The night I landed at Kandahar Airfield, I stood by the flightline and watched as the plane that brought me there was loaded with seven, flag-draped caskets. The day before we landed, 7 of my brethren from the Army paid the ultimate price when a roadside IED went off not far from the base, tearing through their humvee. Even Kandahar AF itself is not immune to attack and I bore witness to three separate rocket attacks while I was there.

Regardless of your politics or thoughts on whether we should be there or not, I ask that you keep my brothers and sisters in uniform in your thoughts and prayers. May they all come home soon.