Monday, February 27, 2012

On Down The Line

On Down The Line, originally uploaded by T-3 Photography.

Looking westbound down Virginia Route 40 from my parents' house in Keysville.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My Little Sweetheart Turns Four

I just realized in beginning this post, that it has been a couple of weeks or so since I last wrote something down here. The past two weeks have been crazy to say the least, but I'm finally adjusted (I think) to my new schedule and I should hopefully start posting again somewhat regularly. This is not what I'm here to post about though this evening. Tomorrow, my daughter Katrina turns 4 years old. Four! Has four years really come and gone that quickly? Family and friends with kids of their own always told me just how fast time flies when you're raising a child, but I never could have imagined it would have gone this fast. I can remember when she couldn't even talk, let along opine for hours on any subject like she does now. I remember how small she was. Indeed it seemed as though my thumb was as big as her whole hand when she was born. It all just seems like it was yesterday...

No matter how many years separate me from the event, I will never forget it. My good friend Jason and I were heading out for a cigarette break at work (I'm so glad I've since kicked that habit) when the phone in my office rang. Normally I would have just let my voicemail pick it up, but since I was only halfway down the hall I decided to pick it up. Much to my surprise, it was Kristin sounding a bit excited.

"I think my water broke", she said.
"You think, or you know?" I replied.

Mind you that this was the 21st of February and Katrina was not due until the end of March. After confirming with Kristin that her water had indeed broken, I let my boss know I was leaving and rushed out of work in a hysterical fit. Now let me say that once I got Kristin in my truck I drove us very calmly to her doctor's office. The drive from work to pick her up however, was an entirely different matter. I was half tempted to throw my lights and siren on while I sped home (at well above the posted speed limit), but thankfully for me there wasn't a lot traffic to tempt me into getting myself into trouble. Needless to say, the doctor confirmed that Kristin's water had broke and the Katrina would be with us soon. I drove Kristin over to the hospital where we would wait most of the day for our little one's arrival. After roughly 12 hours, Katrina began her final descent into this world. After only about 45 minutes, Katrina just made it into Friday, February 22nd at a few minutes past midnight and changed my world forever.

2008 was a fairly rough year for me. In the span of two weeks around the end of February/beginning of March I lost my father and then we had to move after the house we were renting (and trying to buy) was foreclosed upon. I was at a fairly low point and wasn't quite sure how I would hold it together. In spite of all this chaos, here was this little angel from heaven. This completely helpless bundle of beautiful. She needed me to hold it together. Her mommy needed me to hold it together. I said it back then and I stick to my feelings now that it was Katrina that helped keep me from completely losing it. With all that was going on, I had to stay focused for her.

In the years since, I've always enjoyed watching with quiet amazement as she grows and learns new things. It is amazing to watch the transformation from a small baby who could only cry to a girl who can articulate so well. One thing that has remained constant though is the constant inquisitive manner with which she approaches any situation. She's constantly observing what is going on around her and soaking it all in. I remember how much I missed her when I went on my year-long deployment to the desert. Her hug when I got off that plane for the last time was worth more to me than any gift or item in the world.

I'm so proud to be your Daddy, Katrina. I love you more than I could ever tell you (although I will certainly try). Happy Birthday sweetheart! Daddy loves you.

Daddy's Little Girl

So Precious

Happy Birthday Sweetheart!

The Eyes Have It

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Back To School

After taking off from school for the month of January, I am back in full swing with two classes. I'm currently taking Fire Prevention and Fire Protection Systems. Both classes are going towards my Bachelor of Science degree in Fire Science Management. With the completion of these two classes in the next 8 weeks, I will be a little over halfway to completing this degree. As it stands, I'm still on target to finish all requirements in 2015.

Some might ask why I would get such a degree. I certainly do not need a degree to be a firefighter. The reasons I'm pursuing this degree are threefold. The first is that I need to ensure employment opportunities in something fire or emergency related should I be unable to get a job as a career firefighter post-Air Force. The second reason is that should I end up as a fire officer one day (or even if I stay a line firefighter), the knowledge gained from pursuing this degree will certainly compliment experience learned in the field. Last, but certainly not least is that this degree will be the springboard to a Master of Arts (or Science depending on the school) in Emergency Management. Besides opening up even more employment opportunities, the Master's degree will allow me to teach college level fire classes. The latter is definitely a dream of mine. This is the current plan right now. I'm basically trying to open up as many possibilities for post-Air Force employment in the emergency services as I can. Here's to keeping my nose to the grindstone. I'm proof that it is definitely never too late to work on your education.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.